Cubo Latin Film Festival
Thursday 28th April - Sunday 2nd May
Welcome to the Cubo Film Festival - a mash up of cult and contemporary Latin American film. Throughout the bank holiday weekend we will be celebrating the richness and diversity of the Latin American culture through specially selected screenings features and shorts programs.
Thursday 29th
Opening Night 6-7pm - Drinks Reception
7pm - Milk of Sorrow (La Teta Asustada)
9.15pm – Madeinusa
Friday 30th
Mexican Retro Extravaganza 7pm - Late
7.30pm - Santo vs the She-Wolves
9.30pm - Santo in the Wax Musuem
11.30 - Midnight Movie: Alurcada
Saturday 1st
3pm - Milk of Sorrow (La Teta Asustada)
5pm - Encounters LatinAmerican Short Film Selection
7pm - Cinema Klandestino Night
8pm - Coca Cola Case
Sunday 2nd
6pm - 16 Memorias
7pm - Closing Event
8pm - The Wandering Shadows (La Sombra del Caminante)
see for full descriptions